File import and export

To import metadata or screenshots, we offer various file templates.

Hint: for the import to work, keep the file structure. Also, keywords such as country codes. The order of the languages can vary. Omit unnecessary languages or fields.

Metadata file templates

Use these templates to import your metadata into the App Store Manager

Screenshot/ asset templates

Use the following file templates (and their included folder structure) to import assets like screenshots (iOS & Android) or icons and feature graphics (Android only) to the stores. See the instruction on how to provide the files here.

How to prepare the screenshot/ asset templates?

Download the required template from above. Unpack it to a location of your choice.

The unwrapped folder (referred as top-level folder) should look like this:

Hint: the files vary between iOS and Android. Especially the subfolders are different



Add your screenshots to the corresponding language and resolution folders.

For example, if you want to upload English screenshots for the American market, add them to “en-US”. If you want to upload iPhone 6.5-inch screenshots only, add them to the “iphone-65” folder and leave the other folders empty.

For Android, place the mobile screenshots in the “mobile” folder.

Name your images from 1.png to 8.png (Android) or 1.png to 10.png (iOS). Hint: Both JPG and PNG files are supported.

Prepare the file for upload

To prepare the contents for the upload, create a ZIP (compressed)-archive. Navigate to the top level of your working folder. This is the level that displays the language folders. Select all of them and create a single compressed ZIP file.

Hint: The structure of the file must be correct. I.e., it happens that the parent folder is packed as well. Thus the upload will not work.

Validate your archive file by opening it. It should direct display the language folders. If there is an enclosing folder within the archive, you likely have compressed the wrong structure.

A wrong and not supported structure of the compressed archive could look like this:

Hint: if you have any questions or require a different structure, please feel free to contact us.

Last updated