Upload metadata

The App Store Manager allows to upload metadata to App Store Connect and Google Play Console as a bulk for multiple languages.

Create an app and an app package and navigate to "App descriptions" within the app package.

Copy & paste, type, or import your metadata into the application.

Filter and switch between languages, empty languages, or languages in an error state. Apply your translations or corrections if necessary. The "retranslation" feature allows you to translate single fields to match your desired result and comply with field lengths.

Once you are ready, choose "Upload". Provide your credentials, and you will be almost ready to go.

For uploads to App Store Connect, select the target platform of your choice. Select the iOS App, macOS App, or tvOS App.

For uploads to Google Play Console, you can choose a track and provide a version code. This is required to upload release notes and target a testing track. If you want to upload the release notes to the current production build, just leave everything empty. The other metadata will be uploaded to the current store presence.

Last updated